There shall be a Provost of the College who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the College and shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the day-to-day running of the College.
The Provost shall present to the Convocation for the conferment of degrees, persons who have qualified for degrees of the University.
The Provost shall be appointed by the Council from amongst the full time Professors in the College after due consideration of any recommendation made in that regard by the Academic Staff Assembly of the College, after election by the Assembly at a duly constituted meeting of the Assembly at which the election of the Provost was on the Agenda.
The Provost of the College of Medicine shall be a medically-qualified Professor, elected by the Academic Staff Assembly and such Provost shall hold office for a term of two years.
No person shall, while holding the post of Provost, also be the Dean of a Faculty or Head of any Department of the College.
A meeting of the Academic Staff Assembly for the election of a Provost shall be held in the month immediately preceding the expiration of the term of office of an incumbent and the Vice-Chancellor or his nominee shall preside over such a meeting.
There shall be a Secretary to the College who shall, under the control of the Registrar of the University be responsible to the Provost for the day-to-day administration of the affairs (other than the financial affairs) of the College.
The Secretary shall be appointed on behalf of the Council by the Court of Governors and shall hold office for such period and on such terms relating to the emoluments of his office and otherwise as shall be specified in his letter of appointment.
The person holding the office of the Secretary shall, by virtue of that office, be the Secretary to the Court, the Academic Board and the Academic Staff Assembly.