If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.
The Secretary to the College is of a status of Deputy Registrar. He is responsible to the Provost for the day-to-day administration of the affairs (other than the financial affairs) of the College. He is appointed by the Court of Governors. By virtue of his office, he is the Secretary to the Court of Governors, the Academic Board and the Academic Staff Assembly.
The College Administration Department which is under the College Secretary includes the following:
The activities of the Unit include:
The activities of the Unit include:
i. Staff Appointments and Promotion
ii. Leave Matters
Issuing of letters for Annual, Research and Casual leaves and corresponding with the Accounts Department on Leave Allowance.
iii. Staff Records
Personnel Affairs Unit keeps all staff records including records of those who have left the service.
iv. Issuance of Identity Cards