RADIOLOGY ( Activities & Objective )


  1. Undergraduate Training
  2. Postgraduate Training (Residency Training)
  3.   Research
  4. Clinical Services


  2. Undergraduate:
  • To teach students to understand the physical principles of image formation of

structures, beginning with simple x-rays;

  • To teach radiographic/radiological anatomy, correlating same

with conventional Gross Anatomy and Cadaveric Anatomy;

  • To stress the significance and use of contrast media in radiology, emphasising their

indications, contraindications and complications;

  • To familiarize students with the use of sound waves from special materials

(piezoelectric crystals) to produce images, in Ultrasound Scanning;

  • To acquaint students with the rudiments of mammography examinations;
  • To acquire skills in the use of Computerized Tomographicscanning;
  • To introduce students to Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
  • To initiate the use of interventional procedures such as embolization of vessels,

uterine fibroid embolization, MRI-guided biopsy;

  • To introduce students to the basis of using ionizing radiation and cytotoxic drugs in

the treatment of cancer.

  • To be able to assess a patient objectively through relevant investigation/procedure

with the aim of managing any organ-specific malignant disease properly.

  1. Clinical Services

Aims at providing high-end diagnostic care in the hospital.This is carried out by the Consultant Radiologists in the department.

  1. Research

          To conduct research work towards advancement of knowledge and improvement of Medical practice in general.