The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health was established in 2003. It is the responsibility of the department to impart knowledge of the foundation, science and practice of Paediatrics and Child Health to undergraduate students. This goal is being pursued through didactic lectures, tutorials and apprenticeship.
The training of medical students has been a major area of co-operation with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital where staff and facilities are also enlisted for the purpose. Hands-on skills are enhanced through the assistance of LASUTH house officers and Registrars.
The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health was established in 2003. It is the responsibility of the department to impart knowledge of the foundation,
Prof. Prof
Prof. Prof
Log Book: Each student is provided with a logbook for recording demonstrated skills, attendance at lectures and engagement in other requisite departmental academic and professional activities. At the end of the posting, the logbooks are scored according to the performance of the individual candidate.
First In-Course Assessment: This takes place at the end of didactic lectures and comprises only Multiple Choice Questions.
Mid-Posting Assessment: This usually takes place midway into the sixteen (16) week rotation through the department. It comprises Multiple Choice Questions, Long Essays, Short Answer Questions and Long Case Clinical Examination.
End-of-Posting Assessment: The students are assessed using Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer Questions, Long Essays, Objective Structured Picture Examination. There is also a Long-Case Clinical Examination.
These four methods of assessments make up the Continuous Assessment score in Paediatrics and Child Health and constitute 30% of the overall examination in Paediatrics.
Third Professional MB;BS Examination: The final examination in Paediatrics involves theoretical papers (Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer Questions and Long Essays) and utilisation of clinical skills Objective Structured Picture Examination (Performance based Structured Clinical Examinations). An oral examination (Viva Voce) is included in the examination format.
Students are assessed through In-Course and End-of-Course Examinations using Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), to include Long and Short Essay Questions, Long and Short Cases Examinations, Objective Structured Picture Examinations, Performance based Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Viva Voce.
Students are expected to satisfy a minimum of 75% attendance in Lectures, Clinics and Ward Round activities before they can sit for their End of Postings and Professional Exams.